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FASD Lifespan

The FASD Lifespan program serves individuals who have been diagnosed with, or are suspected of having Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their caregivers. This program is offered in Lethbridge.

Support for individuals with FASD

Ages 16+

The program is open to people aged 16 and older, who are not eligible for Disability Services.

No Fees

The program is funded by the South Alberta FASD Network. There are no costs for participants.

Designed to Assist

The program is meant to assist individuals with daily life and help them build connections.

Open Referral

Referrals to the program can be made by anyone, including self-referral.

Lifespan Support Workers provide hands-on support for people with, or suspected of having, FASD. Participants can access these services for as long as they need. 

What to Expect

People accessing FASD Lifespan can expect mentorship and life skills development, as well as assistance with legal matters, employment, financial planning, health, maintaining housing, and more.

How to Access the Program

Referrals are accepted from any community member, including self-referral. To access services, participants must be individuals who are diagnosed with or suspected of having FASD who are not eligible for Disability Services, or caregivers for those diagnosed with or suspected of having FASD. 


There is lifelong support available for participants of this program.


McMan's core values of commitment, trust, respect, empathy, and genuineness are ingrained in each portion of service delivery.


Want to learn more about FASD Lifespan?

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