Supervised Family Time
A structured and protected setting for family visitation.
The Supervised Family Time program provides a structured and protected setting for family visitation that ensures children up to 17 years old are physically and emotionally safe.
Engagement and interaction by program workers are limited and focused primarily on documenting the parent-child interaction. Parents will be provided with guidance in addressing and managing behaviors when required to ensure the childrens’ needs are met. This program is offered in Medicine Hat.
Preserving Ongoing Connections
Ages 0 to 17
The program is open to children, youth, and their families that require supervised visitation as per court orders or referrals.
No Fees
The program is funded by the Ministry of Children’s Services. There are no costs for participants.
Monitored Progress
When a Caseworker deems that the service is no longer required, participants will be discharged from the program.
Referral Required
Referrals are accepted from the Ministry of Children’s Services.
What to Expect
The overall goal for family visits is to ensure the children are safe emotionally, mentally, and physically. In addition to supervision, the program provides a safe environment for families to be together and maintain connection as well as toys and games for families to play with. If necessary, transportation of children and youth to and from visitation is provided.
How to Access the Program
Supervised Family Time is a closed-referral program. The program is accessed through Children’s Services.
Exit from the program is based on assessment by Children’s Services.
McMan's core values of commitment, trust, respect, empathy, and genuineness are ingrained in each portion of service delivery.
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